Stewards Sale
- What is the Stewards Sale? Who is eligible?
- Does the Stewards Sale require registration?
- What prices will be available in the Stewards Sale?
- Why aren’t Stewards being given guaranteed access to $550 tickets?
- Can I join the Today Sale to increase my chances of getting the lower price ticket?
- Will groups be given tiered allocations? I.e. When your department assigns a ticket allocation to a group lead for the Stewards Sale, will a group be given access to X $550 tickets, Y $650 tickets, X $750 tickets, etc.
- Are tickets purchased in the Stewards Sale transferable or eligible for STEP?
- How much do Stewards Sale Tickets cost?
- How many tickets can I purchase in the Stewards Sale?
- How much will my Stewards Sale order cost?
- Is being invited to the Stewards Sale a guarantee of a ticket?