Stewards Sale tickets will start at $550. You have the option to pay a higher price for your ticket. The total cost of your order depends on the specific combination of the number of tickets, if you bought a vehicle pass, and which delivery method you selected. All orders are subject to the following taxes and fees:
- The 9% Nevada Live Entertainment Tax will be applied to event entry tickets.
- All tickets and vehicle passes are subject to a $4.50 fee per item.
- All orders are subject to a 4% credit card processing fee of the purchase subtotal.
Here is a breakdown of a sample order, based on purchasing two $650 tickets:
Quantity: | Price Per Item: | |
Ticket | 2 | $650 |
Vehicle Pass | 1 | $150 |
Delivery (UPS 2nd Day Air) | 1 | $30 |
Service Fees (One per Item) | 3 | $4.50 |
9% Nevada Live Entertainment Tax (Applies to Tickets only) | N/A | $117 |
4% Processing Fee | N/A | $64.42 |
Total | $1674.92 |
If you have further questions please feel free to email us at