If you are a registered artist planning to transport your art on your own truck or a rental, you must enter through the main gate. Every person needs a ticket, and a Work Access Pass if you are arriving before 10am on the Sunday the event starts. Every vehicle needs a Vehicle Pass.
If you plan to hire a trucking company to deliver your art to you on playa, you must choose one that is registered as an Outside Service (OSS) Provider – a company that has secured a Special Recreation Permit with the Bureau of Land Management by the deadline of February 23, 2022. This is a requirement under our permit with the BLM. Here is a list of previously-contracted OSS providers that participated in the program for the 2019 event. We publish this list post-event every year in order to allow participants to see who completed the OSS program in good standing.
We can arrange for your OSS driver to temporarily access Black Rock City – just long enough to deliver your load – without a ticket, Work Access Pass, or Vehicle Pass. To arrange this, you must submit the following information to us via the Art Transportation Questionnaire, which will be emailed to you in July:
- Name of your trucking company
- Truck driver's name and mobile number
- Number of loads
- Day and time of expected arrival(s)