- When is the Placement Questionnaire deadline?
- What is the placement timeline for placed camps? When is camp placement announced?
- Who should I put down as camp lead in the questionnaire?
- What should I write about in my camp interactivity statement?
- I really want to camp in a particular sector. Why can’t I put in requests for placement in only one sector?
- Do my camp population and map need to be exact? I'm not sure yet who is camping with us this year.
- I submitted my Placement Questionnaire, but how do I know you received it?
- How do I make updates to my questionnaire if changes occur or if I wish to cancel?
- I need help with completing the questionnaire. Where can I go for help?
1. When is the Placement Questionnaire deadline?
For all theme camps the deadline is Noon (12:00pm Pacific Time on the last Thursday in March. This deadline includes any support camps (art, work, mutant vehicle) in a hub.
For all support camps not in a hub, the deadline is Noon (12:00 pm) Pacific Time on the Second-to-last Thursday in April.
Once the deadline has passed, the questionnaire becomes electronically de-activated and we are unable to accept submissions beyond that time. Your camp’s lead and primary Placement contact should fill out their Burner Profile well in advance to expedite your process and email us with camp lead changes before starting the questionnaire. Don't wait until the last minute!
2. What is the placement timeline for placed camps? When is theme camp placement announced?
Please click this link to review the Placement Timeline.
3. Who should I put down as camp lead in the questionnaire?
The camp lead is automatically listed as the Burner Profile that files the questionnaire. This should be the person authorized to make decisions for, and answer questions about, your camp. This person should know who is camping with you and what the overall vision is for your camp, including camp layout and interactivity. They should be able to answer questions about set up, tear down, and your LNT plan. Additionally, they should be familiar with important details about your camp, such as requirements for Setup Access Passes, use of Outside Services providers (if any), use of heavy equipment (if any), generators and fuel storage, fire safety plans, and storage containers purchased from Burning Man. They should also be available in the months leading up to the event and after the event.
Camp leads are the people the Placement team contacts with information and questions throughout the year. We send out lots of important information that your camp lead should communicate to the rest of the camp, and want to stay connected in case any major changes happen within your camp. We strongly recommend that you not delegate this job to a first time Burner.
If you have any changes to your camp leads over the course of the pre-event season, the current camp lead should email placement@burningman.org and cc the new camp lead on it so that we can confirm the transfer of leadership.
Please confirm any camp lead changes with Placement before the new lead starts one of our forms. Automations and pre-population do not work if you are not the camp lead currently on file with Placement.
4. What should I write about in my camp interactivity statement?
The interactivity that takes place within your theme camp is one of the most important factors we consider when assessing your camp. Please tell us, in as much detail as possible, about all of the interactive elements you will be offering within your camp. We want to know how you are going to engage your visitors and what any Burner might experience when walking into your camp.
We also take into consideration how unique your interactivity is – are you offering something that could only be done at Burning Man? Or are you doing something standard but in a new and wonderful way?
Take some time to think about what you will offer, and write in concrete, descriptive language about the details. Be prepared with a schedule of days and times of events you will be hosting. Nebulous, esoteric, or incomplete descriptions leave us confused (and not in a good way). Read more about the criteria for theme camps here.
5. I really want to camp in a particular sector. Why can’t I put in requests for placement in only one sector?
Our placers try to accommodate all theme camps' requests for sector placement; however some sectors fill up faster than others. If you could ask for only one sector and that sector fills up before we place your camp, we will not have an alternative place to locate your camp. On your Placed Camp Questionnaire, you should rank sectors in order of preference. You can also indicate whether sector or street choice is more important to your camp. Additionally, Placement will sometimes move camps in order to keep the city vibrant from year to year; if we know your additional sector requests we can ensure your camp ends up in a location you had a hand in choosing.
6. Do my camp population and map need to be exact? I'm not sure yet who is camping with us this year.
Your numbers do not need to be exact, but we do need a definite idea of the size and footprint of your whole camp so we can determine how much space to give you. Please choose the most appropriate size range on the questionnaire.
Contact Placement at placement@burningman.org ASAP if you have major changes in your population or structures that would affect the overall size of your camp. Please include your camp name and sector in the subject line.
For example: [3:00] Your Camp Name - Changes To Our Population
7. I submitted my Placement Questionnaire, but how do I know you received it?
Within 24 hours, your camp's primary Placement contact will receive a confirmation email with your questionnaire responses after you submit. Make sure your email is set up to receive emails from noreply@burningman.org and placement@burningman.org. Don't forget to check your spam folder!
8. How do I make updates to my questionnaire if changes occur or if I wish to cancel?
Please email placement@burningman.org with the name of your camp in the subject line and let us know of any changes you have and our team will manually update it for you. We are most concerned about significant changes to your camp size or interactivity. If you will no longer be attending this year’s event, we ask that you inform us as soon as possible so we may reassign the space allocated to you. The sooner the better!
9. I need help with completing the questionnaire. Where can I go for help?
The Camp Advisory & Mentorship Program (CAMP) matches camps and their leads with experienced peer camp leaders who mentor and advise them. It’s great for new camps, new camp leaders, and experienced camps alike. If you'd like to be matched with an experienced camp lead, please fill out the CAMP Advisor Request Form.