Statement of Intent
- What is the Statement of Intent (SOI)?
- Why do new and returning theme camps need to fill this out?
- When is it due?
- Where is the SOI?
- Can I review the SOI questions before I start the form?
- What is considered a returning theme camp?
- Can new theme camps complete a SOI?
- Most of my camp wants to take the year off but we have a solid core interested in returning. Would we be considered returning or new?
- In the past, we could get tickets in the Stewards Sale and not bring our camp. Is that the case this year?
- What if our camp purchases Stewards Sale tickets, and we can’t fill out the Placed Camp Questionnaire or our camp can’t make it to playa?
- What if we drastically reduce the interactivity or population we told you about in the SOI when we fill out the Placed Camp Questionnaire?
- Am I considered a returning camp if I was denied placement the last year I applied but have received placement previous to that?
- Am I considered a returning camp if I was placed at the last event but my standing was Not in Good Standing and I’ve made improvements?
SOI and Stewards Sale Questions
- If I don't complete the SOI, but do fill out a Placed Camp Questionnaire, will I be eligible for Stewards Sale tickets as a returning camp or tickets in the spring as a new theme camp?
- Can I expect the same # of Stewards Sale tickets as my most recent allocation from a past year?
Stewards Sale Tickets
- If my theme camp does not receive as many Stewards Sale Tickets as I need, what can I do?
- How can I make sure my camp is eligible to buy tickets through the Stewards Sale?
- How are Stewards Sale allotment numbers determined?
- Our camp took a year off and we were good standing the last time we were in BRC. Are we still eligible for the Stewards Sale next year?
- Do I need to bring my theme camp to BRC every year in order to be in good standing with Placement? Does it hurt my camp to take a year off?
- My camp is new, how do I get tickets?
Statement of Intent
1. What is the Statement of Intent (SOI)?
The Statement of Intent (SOI) launches December for all theme camps (new and returning) who plan to bring interactivity as a placed theme camp in Black Rock City for the upcoming year and wish to receive access to purchase tickets in the spring Steward Sale. Your submission will help the Placement team determine ticket eligibility and allocations, and will assist in early planning of Black Rock City.
Art, mutant vehicle, work, and civic support camps seeking placement do not need to complete the SOI.
2. Why do new and returning theme camps need to fill this out?
This allows Placement to award ticket allocations to new and returning theme camps based on the needs of the camp for the upcoming year. Tickets are awarded on condition that theme camps will bring interactivity to Black Rock City at the forthcoming event. Returning theme camps awarded tickets will be able to purchase them in the Stewards Sale in March, while newly placed theme camps must complete the Placed Camp Questionnaire and be accepted by Placement in order to purchase tickets later in the summer.
3. When is it due?
In 2025, it is due on Thursday, January 16 at 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 9pm CET. Future years will see a similar deadline.
4. Where is the SOI?
You can find all the forms in your Burner Profile under "Participate" > "BRC Participation". Here's a quick link to that page.
5. Can I review the SOI questions before I start the form?
You can find a sample of the SOI here. This sample is updated annually, so please check back later if it hasn’t yet been updated for the upcoming year.
6. What is considered a returning camp?
A returning camp has been placed in BRC at least once within the last 3 events (2022-2024) as a theme camp. Theme camps who were not placed in the last 3 events but were placed previously will be considered new.
If a camp has changed leads in the last 3 events, you’re still considered a returning camp. A returning camp can change its theme/name/interactivity as long as what they are offering is equivalent to the last time they were placed and represents the same/similar group of people.
If your camp was previously placed as a support camp, you'd only be considered a returning theme camp if it was placed as a theme camp within the last 3 events. Please email if your most recent year was as a support camp, but you have history as a theme camp so we can ensure that our records reflect correctly.
7. Can new theme camps complete a SOI?
Yes. New theme camps who have never received placement are eligible to complete a Statement of Intent. If new theme camps are approved for tickets, you must complete the Placed Camp Questionnaire, and your ticket allocations will be conditional upon approval for final placement. Confirmed tickets will be available to be allocated and purchased by individual campers of new theme camps in July.
Please note: The maximum size and population allowed for all new theme camps is 100' x 100' or 10,000 square feet of space in BRC, which is approximately 25 people. If you are a previously placed support camp in good standing with Placement and other Burning Man Departments and want to transition to a theme camp, you will be considered a new theme camp in regards to Stewards Sale tickets, but will not be under the 100x100 restriction for new theme camps.
8. Most of my camp wants to take the year off but we have a solid core interested in returning. Would we be considered returning or new?
Camps that significantly reduce or change their interactivity will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to determine if they are a returning camp or if they are a new camp. Please provide as much information as possible in the SOI about the changes.
9. In the past, we could get tickets in the Stewards Sale and not bring our camp. Is that the case this year?
No. Receiving a Stewards Sale tickets assumes that you will bring your camp in the coming year and seek placement. If you do receive Stewards Sale tickets for the forthcoming year and do not bring a placed theme camp, your standing with Placement will be in jeopardy and your camp may be ineligible for tickets or placement for the future.
10. What if our camp purchases Stewards Sale tickets, and we can’t fill out the Placed Camp Questionnaire or our camp can’t make it to BRC after all?
We know life happens and plans fall through, so please inform Placement as soon as you are aware that you cannot attend the forthcoming event. Receiving a Stewards Sale allocation assumes that you will be placed in the coming year so we will review each case to determine whether it will affect your camp’s standing. Email ASAP to go over the situation.
11. What if we drastically reduce the interactivity or population we told you about in the SOI when we fill out the Placed Camp Questionnaire?
Things happen and we are understanding. Because the Placed Camp Questionnaire comes later in the event cycle, it gives you an opportunity to update Placement about any changes you foresee. If your camp does plan to provide less, we need to know. Because Stewards Sale tickets are offered based on anticipated interactivity and camp size, any reduction may impact your standing with Placement for future years. Email ASAP to go over the situation
12. Am I considered a returning camp if I was denied placement the last time I applied, but have received placement previous to that?
If your camp was not placed when you last applied, you will be considered a new theme camp if you submit a SOI and/or Placed Camp Questionnaire. Your camp was not selected for placement because it did not meet Placement criteria so we hope you have made adjustments to improve. Even if you do not submit a SOI or are not awarded tickets, you are still encouraged to submit a Placed Camp Questionnaire to be considered for reserved placement in Black Rock City.
13. Am I considered a returning or new camp if I was placed at the last event but my standing was Not in Good Standing and I’ve made improvements?
If your camp was considered Not in Good Standing, you are not eligible for Stewards Sale tickets. You must address the concerns that led to your current standing and may still submit a Placed Camp Questionnaire to receive reserved camping unless instructed otherwise. Stewards Sale tickets are only for camps in Good Standing with Placement.
SOI and Stewards Sale Questions
1. If I don't complete the SOI, but fill out a Placed Camp Questionnaire, will I be eligible for Stewards Sale tickets as a returning camp or tickets in the spring as a new theme camp?
At this time, we cannot assure any tickets to new or returning theme camps beyond the SOI process. If you have an extenuating circumstance, you can always email us at to explain it.
2. Can I expect the same # of Stewards Sale tickets as my most recent allocation from a past year?
Ticket numbers change every year based on the need and number of returning camps. Please don’t expect the same number of tickets as you received in previous years, and be as accurate as you can about the population you expect in your camp so we can fairly allocate tickets.
Stewards Sale Tickets
1. If my theme camp does not receive as many Stewards Sale Tickets as I need, what can I do?
Remember that the Stewards Sale is not intended to fulfill 100% of your camp's needs. As in all other years, there will be other ticket sales including the main sale where you can acquire tickets. More information will come out about these sales in January/February of each year.
2. How are Stewards Sale allotment numbers determined?
The Stewards Sale is intended to support the core crew of BRC theme camps. These are the critical team members required to get the core functions of your camp built so that your camp can bring your interactivity to Black Rock City. Factors considered include size of camp, complexity and uniqueness of interactivity and build, record of Good Standing, among others. Tickets quantities allocated to theme camps may vary year to year, and being in Good Standing with Placement is a requirement for returning camps to access the Stewards Sale.
3. Our camp took a year off and we were good standing the last time we were in BRC. Are we still eligible for the Stewards Sale next year?
Yes, you are still eligible if you took a year or two off and did not purchase Stewards Sale tickets allocated to you during those off years. Camps in Good Standing are able to maintain their standing without returning to BRC for 2 years.
If your camp plans to return after time off, you simply need to complete a Statement of Intent for the forthcoming year. Placement will check to see if your camp was placed within the last 3 events to apply returning status for previous standing and eligibility for Stewards tickets.
If you’ve had a change in leadership between your last year placed and your returning year, please have the previous camp lead email Placement to do a lead change before the new lead starts the SOI.
4. Do I need to bring my theme camp to BRC every year in order to be in good standing with Placement? Does it hurt my camp to take a year off?
No, absolutely not. Theme camps are not required by Placement to return each year and there is no penalty to take a year off. In fact, we encourage camps to take time off if you can to give yourself a break and also to make room for other theme camps. Camps are allowed to take up to 2 years off to maintain their good standing. If your theme camp takes a year or two off, you are welcome back and eligible to access tickets as a returning theme camp.
If your theme camp is taking the upcoming year off, please answer a few questions in the SOI so we can properly record your year off status. Alerting us to taking a year off through the SOI should take less than 5 minutes.
5. My camp is new, how do I get tickets?
New theme camps who have never received Placement are allowed to complete Placement’s Statement of Intent. If new theme camps are awarded tickets, the allocations will be conditional upon review of the Placed Camp Questionnaire. Confirmed tickets will be available to be allocated and purchased by individual campers in July.
New camps should not solely depend on this opportunity to access tickets. Receiving placement as a new camp does not guarantee access to this pool of tickets, and if granted, only a limited number will be available per camp. New camps should advise their campers to purchase tickets in one of the non-Stewards ticket sales.
We also recommend that new camps consult the Camp Resource Guide, attend the Camp Symposium, and access the Camp Support Team’s resources in planning their camp.