Before the event begins, a map of the event is posted on the Burning Man website, and announced in the Jackrabbit Speaks email newsletter. You’ll see shaded areas reserved for theme camps and event services, and once you reach the event, you'll see blue flags marking these areas. Outside of these shaded areas and blue flags, there are no reserved spaces—it’s all open camping and is available on a first-come basis. As you might expect, there tends to be more space at the outer perimeter of the city, but all of the event camping is fairly densely packed. You may take as much space as you need for your vehicles, shade and sleeping structures. We ask only that you not land grab or take more room than you need.
You can do a web search to find photos of previous years to get a sense of the population density and the somewhat chaotic camping environment. Be assured, we will not run out of space—we are permitted for a specific number of participants and we plan accordingly.