Any ticket or vehicle pass being sold for above face value plus service fees is at risk of being cancelled and not being valid for entry to the event. To be safe, you should never pay above face value for a ticket.
If a ticket has been auctioned and/or sold for above its face value, we may have already canceled and voided that ticket. Be sure to check our Voided Tickets & Vehicle Passes List to see if the ticket you purchased is listed there. Please note that just because an order number or ticket number does not appear on this list does not guarantee its authenticity & validity.
We have no problem with people selling their unneeded tickets for face value (plus service fees) and this is possible to do using eBay's "Buy it now" feature.
The majority of listings on Viagogo, StubHub, and Vividseats are speculative listings, which means that the sellers do not actually own Burning Man tickets to back up their listing. Further, their terms of service are not at all favorable to buyers and the seller may cancel your order right up until a few weeks before the event, leaving you without a ticket.
As a community service, please flag and report above face value listings directly to the websites they are listed for sale on.