Stewards Sale:
- The Stewards Sale (formerly the Directed Group Sale) ensures that those critical to the culture of Burning Man, crews for theme camps, art installations, mutant vehicles, Black Rock City infrastructure providers, and groups supporting sustainability and R.I.D.E. efforts gain access to tickets. This program does not have an application process.
- This sale requires group leads to invite their members for access to the sale. Those invited are guaranteed access to buy tickets during the 48-hour purchase window.
- Each invitee may purchase up to two (2) tickets and one (1) vehicle pass in this sale.
- Approximately 30,000 $575 tickets and 10,000 $150 vehicle passes will be available in this sale. Vehicle passes may not be purchased in excess of one vehicle pass per two tickets.
- All items and orders purchased through this sale are subject to the taxes and fees listed below.
- Participation in the Stewards Sale requires pre-registration through Burner Profiles.
- Those who buy tickets in the Stewards Sale will be prevented from registering to buy in the Main Sale, STEP, and the OMG Sale.
Community Action Initiatives Tickets:
- We’re dedicating several thousand tickets to support work in important areas of environmental sustainability and various forms of community diversification (including R.I.D.E., under-represented art forms, and international inclusion, etc.)
- These $575 tickets will be distributed along with Vehicle Passes later in the summer.